

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nail problems

Nail Problems      View GlobalSkinAtlas for Images

There are a variety of common conditions that patients bring to their doctor's attention. Longitudinal ridging is a normal feature of aging. Splitting of the ends of the nails is due to trauma and too much water exposure. Separation of the nail from the nailbed is also due to excess wet work where the bonds between the nail and the underlying nail bed are weakened and the nail separates. This is known as onycholysis. Any candida found under the separated nail is a contaminant.Nails are solid keratin which is the food for dermatophyte fungii. Hence most crumbly nails are due to a dermatophyte infection but some may be due to psoriasis. Take nail clippings for culture. Nail distortion is commonly due to ageing and poorly fitting shoes.

Specific conditions involving the nails

Brittle   Brittle nails

Curved   Koilonychia,Pincer nails

Dystrophic   Darier's disease,Lichen striatus,Psoriasis,Onychomycosis,Onychophagia,Proximal subungual onychomycosis,Trachyonychia,

Groove   Digital mucous cyst

Malaligned  Congenital malalignment

Onycholysis   Onycholysis,(numerous causes,water,photodrug etc),Onychomycosis,Psoriasis,Traumatic,Epidermolysis bullosa aquisita,Pemphigus vulgaris,Acropustulosis of Hallopeau

Pigmentation   Drug induced(AZT,Bleomycin,Methotrexate),Longitudinal melanonychia

Pits   Alopecia areata

Purpura   Splinter hemorrhages,Subungual hematoma

Ridges longitudinal   Aging,Lichen planus,median nail dystrophy

Ridges transverse   Beau's lines,Chronic paronychia,Habit nail tic deformity,

Short   Brachyonychia

Thickened   Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis,nail hypertrophy and Onychogryphosis,Onychauxis,Onychomycosis,Pachyonychia congenita,Psoriasis

Coloured   Blue(Blue nails drugs or Wilson's disease),Green (Pseudomonas),White(Half and half nails,Leukonychia,Muehrcke's lines,Terry's nails,White superficial onychomycosis),Yellow (Nail discoloration cigarretes,Yellow nail syndrome)

Posterior nail fold   Paronychia,Chronic candidiasis,Scleroderma,Dermatomyositis (ragged cuticles)

Modified from Regional Dermatology Gary M White